Headcase Contributor to receive Clifford W. Beers Award

Guyanese Antoine B. Craigwell, co-chair of the New York State Office of Mental Health’s Multicultural Advisory Council, and member of the Advisory Board on the 988-Suicide and Crisis Hotline Implementation in New York State…

Source: Guyanese national to receive Clifford W. Beers Award

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The Queeresilience Project

Headcase Co-editor Teresa Theophano has a new project: “I’ve just finished putting together a website called The Queeresilience Project, which started out as a final project this semester for my doctoral social work program but is something I wanted to actually have utility for our beloved queer & trans communities. The Resources page includes the mental health care resource list frequently referenced on this page, and which I continue to try to keep updated. Hope folx find it useful in exploring issues of mental health care access & community resilience!”

Queer Forty spotlights queer mental health

Queer Forty featured this piece by writer Victoria Brownworth mentioning Headcase.

The hidden pandemic: LGBTQ mental health

Depression. Anxiety. Suicidality. This dangerous trifecta has stalked millions throughout the coronavirus pandemic, creating its own shadow pandemic. Recent studies from The Williams Institute at UCLA and the Movement Advancement Project show that a year of isolation has impacted LGBTQ people more that their straight and cisgender peers in a myriad of ways. More unemployment. More major financial hardships. More housing issues. More food insecurity. More health crises. And many more mental health problems.

The reasons would seem obvious: homophobia and transphobia impact every aspect of the lives of queer and trans people. Even in 2021, the layers of bigotry can still force people into some form of closeting. Trans friends have said that finding a job post-pandemic is going to be brutal for trans people in a market glutted with applicants. And in a hospitality industry that has been devastated by pandemic closures, the venues that have been a refuge for many queer people over decades may be less so as jobs are scarce.

Read the entire article.


We’ve noticed a few recommendations of “Headcase” on social media recently. Thanks to all who are sharing!

PublicHealthPathways.org posted the below on Twitter:

As Pride month comes to an end, our #bookrecommendation is an anthology featuring LGBTQ essays on mental health.

Meanwhile, Kristen Custer, LCPC a.k.a. kristen.the.therapist, put up this great post Instagram:

In continued recognition of Pride Month, today’s #mentallybookedMonday features:

Headcase: LGBTQ Writers and Artists on Mental Health and Wellness
by Stephanie Schroeder and Terea Theophano

This book is a thought provoking compilation of authentic personal stories, artwork, poems, and insights on the intersections of mental health and the LGBTQ community. 

While concerns of mental health and needs for mental health care exist within the LGBTQ community, we cannot forget the ways in which the mental health field’s labels, diagnoses, and pathologies have negatively impacted the queer community as well. 

Throughout this collection, authors and artists identify the horrific experiences of discrimination and maltreatment done to the LGBTQ community by mental health theories, stigmas, facilities, doctors and practitioners. 

Authors challenge practitioners and readers to examine themselves, understand their impact, and practice affirmative psychotherapy.

This is one of my favorite books. I’m taking the heartbreak and conflict exposed in this book to gain insight and perspective. As a therapist, we can take this piece of work and use it to help mend the gaps for LGBTQ communities and mental health.

The book’s featured voices are instrumental and significant in representing those that have gone unheard. 

I encourage you to listen.
I encourage you to reflect.
I encourage you to grow. 

As a therapist…
We can be better. We need to be better. 

The Weekly Review Podcast

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we’re posting this 2019 podcast of an interview with the editors and some recording of the reading we did with contributors in San Francisco. Thanks to Roman Rimer of The Weekly Review for putting this together and interviewing us.

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: http://podcasts.pcrcollective.org/TheWeeklyReview/TheWeeklyReview-20190419.mp3